NOVEMBER 09, 2010
Your turn to weigh in on the common core standards
The Florida Board of Education adopted the national common core standards for math and language arts back in the summer. Then some committees set about adding some Florida-specific content to build upon the base.
Among other things, the recommendations aim to increase the level of rigor in studying various types of literary texts, and to expand upon the math formulas learned at key grade levels.
All the additional benchmarks are now up for review. Here's a summary of what's in there. Then you can submit your comments here. The deadline is Dec. 6. Have fun.
Posted by Jeff Solochek at 9:24:22 am on November 09, 2010 in | Permalink | Comments (9) |
Are the "Florida-specific content" items going to include things like how to con the voters into putting in a lottery to "enhance" education and then remove dollars from the budget and replace them with lottery dollars?
Sounds like the NCCS comes from Massachussetts or Connecticutt Schools. When I was in school, our schools used standards from them & British Preparatory Schools, which were supposed to be the strictest in the nation at the time. These sound similar. Many of the standards I noticed for high school students we had taught us in middle grades. I'm just wondering if these standards stack-up to the ones in Finland, India and China, nations who out perform us in technology at the current point, and whose trade agreements we seek. That's my question.
What a waste of time!
The idiots in Tally will do whatever they want. This is all for show.
Don't even waste your time responding teachers.
How about ensuring these kids can multiply, add, subtract, and divide without a calculator
We had to do those algebra standards back when I was in school. Same with the literature standards. I won't cop to enjoying all of it but at least it was more than "let's just watch the movie adaptation". What is disappointing is that these standards were common 25-30 years ago.
I don't recall any standards when I went to school, other than my backside feeling pain when I didn't do what I should have. Standards, Shmandards. They're stupid. The gov ought to launch a "Shut the eff up, sit down, and learn" initiative!
That's a real shame that your schools did not have to meet any standards or requirements with their curriculum. So if you do not think schools should meet any standards, what should they be doing?
COMMON NATIONAL STANDARDS--Definitely! Put the entire U.S.A. ALL on an even and fair playing nation----HELLO?!?! Every state being permitted to create their own tests (to wit: FCAT) that do not equate to other states' tests in complexity is preposterous (to say the least)!
I say COMMON STANDARDS and a COMMON TEST--on a NATIONAL LEVEL! NO MORE STATE TESTS. State tests are simply a way to cushion the pockets of greedy people wanting to live a lavish lifestyle (i.e. B-U-S-__--fill in the blank now, people). State tests are unfair to the masses and SHOULD NEVER be used to compare one state to another in student achievement. That is completely ridiculous.
Again, COMMON STANDARDS & COMMON NATIONAL TEST. It is the only fair way to go, if you insist on judging the success of the student and teacher based on a standardized test.
@pessimist1: because most Floridians believe in "States Rights", it is another way of saying, we don't want the 'status quo' to change. We honor the 'traditions' of our fore-fathers. Any more questions? This national standards curriculum, won't be swallowed too well, by the establishment, because of "states rights" mentality. I'm sure other states understand the concept of "states rights", but never have I heard it reiterated, so much, as I do while being a resident of Flori-duh.