Monday, December 6, 2010

Go slow on following Florida reforms, researcher says | Education articles blog on schools in Florida & Tampa Bay: the Gradebook | & St. Petersburg Times

Go slow on following Florida reforms, researcher says | Education articles blog on schools in Florida & Tampa Bay: the Gradebook | & St. Petersburg Times

NOVEMBER 30, 2010

Go slow on following Florida reforms, researcher says

D.C. might be abuzz with talk of Jeb Bush-style education reform. States from Arizona to Utah might be jumping on board.

Not so fast, suggests Columbia University Teachers College associate professorMadhabi Chatterji.

In a brief for the National Education Policy Center, Chatterji writes that a Heritage Foundation report touting Florida's education reforms is flawed, calling into doubt its conclusions that other states should emulate Florida. She writes, in part:

"The central analysis compares average test scores of students in the nation versus Florida without considering key group differences, an oversight that leads to erroneous causal interpretations on effects of reforms using purely descriptive data. The report further ignores group differences resulting from the state’s mandatory grade retention policy for the weakest readers in grade 3. This policy-driven increase in grade retention rates spuriously inflated the average scores of grade 4 students on state and national assessments, making racial achievement gaps narrower."

Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 comments

  • Bucnright Nov 30, 2010 4:22 PM

    Why even ask the these special groups. Just walk in a forth grade class and ask them a simple math question and to read from a grade level book. When you see the results go back to your state and do not try anything Florida has tried.

  • 0143 Nov 30, 2010 4:44 PM

    Smart woman, it is too bad the issue is too complicated to be discussed

  • hsullivan Nov 30, 2010 5:47 PM

    The only place to which one can follow Florida is back to the Dark Ages!

  • hstorm Nov 30, 2010 7:27 PM

    Whatever. A prof from a teacher's college. What could they know about education? Jeb's got it covered, politicians are our future.

  • juliafor Nov 30, 2010 8:22 PM

    OK while I am not a huge fan of schools in Florida, Bucnright, you are just wrong. Maybe not every school, but at our school, the kids are very bright. The work they do in even in 1st grade is tough. The public school curriculum has gotten too aggressive imo. All of this focus has really shined a light on kids who can't read. Struggling readers are very common and it is a huge issue that needs more attention. I don't like to pick on spelling and grammar, but if you are going to be pointing out educational flaws in Florida, 4th grade is fourth grade:)

    • Bucnright Nov 30, 2010 9:51 PM
      Really why don't you let me know how an elem. teacher grades the students. Could it be under the standard Florida system which is based on learning gains? So John takes his first test and gets a 98 and keeps that same grade thru the year. Joe scores a 5 on the first test and gets it up to a 50 at the end of the year. Under Florida standards Joe is the better student he showed strong learning gains. Go to the middle school that is feed by your elem. school and ask the teachers how many are at the correct reading levels.
      • hsullivan Nov 30, 2010 11:52 PM
        Co-sign on the middle school comment! (Not the elementary school teachers' fault, however.)
        • Bucnright Dec 1, 2010 7:52 AM
          I agree it is not the fault of a teacher. They have to grade that way and have no choice in holding a studnet back, unless its the failed 3rd grade FCAT or in 4th grade if improvement is not shown. Teachers are no longer allowed to teach.
          • GatorGrrrl Dec 1, 2010 7:32 PM
            Teachers are not allowed to hold a student back in any grade but 3rd? Is that policy or just how it ends up happening?
    • Rosiebaby Dec 1, 2010 12:29 PM
      Since I believe your kids are in fundamental, isn't that comparing apples and oranges? Especially since the option is only available to relatively few families?
      • Bucnright Dec 1, 2010 9:44 PM
        They can hold a student back it is really hard to do. Studies have shown that holding students back does not help, Blah Blah Blah. Visit the link for some data and look at the numbers held back in 3rd 4th and 5th grade. 6.64% in 3rd most that failed the FCAT, 1.24% in 4th grade and .68% in 5th. Starting in 6th grade the numbers begin to climb back up 6-8 2.69% 3.40% 2.82% 9-10 10.76% 10.14%. You also have the "Total Promoted with Cause" figures which included students that have been held back and received the intensive remediation. It does not mean they are at grade level just that they got help.
  • juliafor Dec 1, 2010 5:57 PM

    Rosie- fundamentals teach the same curriculum. I have family in neighborhood schools and they have the same standard, weekly FCAT tests for reading we do. They are very tough. I think many of you would be surprised at the 1st grade ones. My nephew was flagged very early on as a struggling reader in a neighborhood school. The parents have worked intensely w/ him and he had Title I as well. That's the only + of the FCAT is it really brings a focus on struggling readers VERY early on. The weekly FCAT tests ask all kinds of intuitive questions-off the top of my head there was a story about a band. The question was "what shows the band was good?" They were supposed to write the answer themselves that the band had fans. My 6 yo still thinks a fan is something that cools you down lol Pretty challenging imo. 1/2 of our 3rd grade class has lexiles at a middle school level.

    • hsullivan Dec 1, 2010 6:06 PM
      Oh, so the PARENTS worked with him? Not all of us have that luxury.
  • juliafor Dec 1, 2010 6:40 PM

    Did you miss the Title I part? lol It still has not helped him too much, he has a genuine DX/case of dyslexia. My point is the standards are very high. The only + out of this, is it lets parents know from the get go that they have a problem. Otherwise, I think the FCAT is a huge waste - waste of $, hamstrings teachers, bores advanced students, is too hard in some quirky areas for struggling students etc.... hsullivan - you can't blame Florida schools for cruddy parents. It's the nature of the transient state we live in. Again, coming from a product of PCSB myself and is not a "fan". This is still a friendly conversation, right? lol

  • juliafor Dec 1, 2010 6:41 PM

    I meant I am not a fan. How I wish there was an edit feature:)

  • Bucnright Dec 1, 2010 9:49 PM

    Fundamentals wow she left that part out. Don't parents have to be active, don't students and parents agree homework must be done, don't students have to behave???? What if those things are not followed the student can be removed from the school? No wonder on average the students at your school show better results.

  • juliafor Dec 2, 2010 10:30 AM

    I have been on the boards here for a very long time and never hidden that we are in a fundamental. However, you are dumping on the Florida school system (which trust me, I agree is flawed) when it sounds like the real problem is uninvolved families. While schools could do a better job, they can not solve everything. Is there a reason for the general hostility? We actually are all on the same side of this.

    • Bucnright Dec 3, 2010 11:02 AM
      I am not dumping on the Florida school system. I am dumping on the elected officals of this state. They are the ones that have messed up the system and any state that would copy the Florida system would be making a big mistake. Both my children attended public schools and have had success due to great teachers and the fact my wife and I are active. My wife is an EBD elementary teacher and has to deal with to many state/county rules before she can even begin to teach. Let teachers teach and the Florida education system will succeed.
  • drt Dec 2, 2010 5:15 PM

    I recently returned from a visit to S Korea where I was lucky enough to visit some schools and spend time with elementary aged students. These students were atteding an English language "hagwan", which is a private school which parents send thier children to IN ADDITION TO ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC SCHOOL.
    These students, as young as 4, were out-performing students I see on a daily basis here in our public schools. HOWEVER, it is clear (from conversations w/both students, teachers, and parents) that the underlying difference is due to the strong support for school and education that is inherent in the culture. Teachers are treated with the utmost respect; education is valued.
    South Korea is recognized as one of the best education systems in the world.
    Are there problems? YES--there are stress-related issues, especially at the high school level. But I came away with a longing for an educational reform in the US that focuses on inherent respect and focus on education---

  • drt Dec 2, 2010 5:19 PM

    (CONTINUED) not the blame that is heaped on teachers/unions/etc. In addition, the blatant disrespect that is heaped on "wonks" backfires on us. Education is not valued in this country. Politicians are often the product of private, (and expensive) private schools (ask ANY politician where they send their own children) and want to spend the least amount of money as possible. Students in S Korea attend school for 8 to 10 hr/day---but teachers have built-in time for planning, meetings....
    AND, guess what?!?! All students actually have and participate in RECESS~!!!!

    • Bucnright Dec 3, 2010 11:08 AM
      One of the biggest differences between SK and the US is the non native language speaking students. We might need to convert to center schools or exteneded school for those non english speaking students. We also need to take the steps other countries have taken to place students in classes that are in the fields of employment they might choose. In SK the students attended basic education til the age of 16 divided into specialty tracks that accord with a student's interest and career path.

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