Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Florida rates high in group's review of charter school laws | Education articles blog on schools in Florida & Tampa Bay: the Gradebook | & St. Petersburg Times

Florida rates high in group's review of charter school laws | Education articles blog on schools in Florida & Tampa Bay: the Gradebook | & St. Petersburg Times

NOVEMBER 29, 2010

Florida rates high in group's review of charter school laws

Charter schools occupy a key position in the Obama Administration's education agenda. But the latest review of charter laws by the Center for Education Reform suggests that many of the states with weak regulations have yet to improve them, while those with strong laws continued those.

Florida landed in the CER's latter category again this year, netting a B in the group's grading system for having one of the nation's best charter laws. It got highest marks for the number of schools allowed -- the state has more charter schools than all but California and Arizona -- and also for allowing freedom for charter teachers.

One of the arguments for charters is that parents deserve choices, and that charter schools offer options as they're supposed to provide innovative programs to compete with the mainstream public schools. Yet then we hear stories about charter schools where the offerings are lacking and school systems have little recourse but to tell parents that they can choose to remove their children.

The CER argues that charter school laws matter. "States control these laws, and without strong charter school laws, the progress promised in 2010 can never be possible. Without a dramatic strengthening of charter school laws across America — a possibility in January when new legislative sessions commence — there is simply no way to 'scale up' the charter school progress highlighted by the media and lawmakers
this year."

Your thoughts?


Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 comments

  • Dewey Cheatim and Howe Nov 29, 2010 12:24 PM

    Read the 2007 NAEP Report comparing Charters, Public Schools, and Private Schools. Also read Diane Ravitch's articles about the charter scams!

  • Gabriel Nov 29, 2010 1:58 PM

    Making Charter School Laws a priority for this upcoming legislation is imperative. The "choice" factor doesn't have "teeth" until the powers that be, make it a "real choice". Because what is happening with weak Charter School Laws, comes an even further weakened educational system. And how long do you think this Republic will tolerate Charter Schools that offer, "choice" but don't measure-up to the expectations of the taxpayer. "Not on our don't".

  • retiredteacher Nov 29, 2010 5:51 PM

    Freedom from FCAT. Freedom from handicapped kids. Freedom from behavior problems. Lots of freedom.

  • rolltide Nov 29, 2010 7:58 PM

    Florida charters a B for strong laws? give me a break.
    No FCAT for charters, teachers don't have to be certified in field, they can pick and choose who they want, get rid of any who act out, make parents volunteer as a requirement for their child's attendance.
    And even with all of those concessions they STILL CAN'T COMPETE with the better public schools!

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